Friday 27 October 2017

Aloe Vera Plants (Aloe vera leaf, Aloe vera Pilp, Aloe vera Gel)

moringa oleifera

aloe vera plant

aloe vera leaf cutting

ghamora plant

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Herbal Plants- Ayurvedic Plants ( Aloe Vera/ Ghamra / Moringa oliefera): Aloe Vera Plants, Aloe Vera Leaf and aloe Vera Gel


Tridax procumbens, commonly known as coatbuttons or 

tridax daisy, is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family. It is best known as a widespread weed and pest plant. ... chisaca in Spanish, herbe caille in French, jayanti veda in Sanskrit, ghamra in Hindi, bishalya karani  in Oriya, kambarmodi in Marathi

Use in traditional medicine. Traditionally
Tidax procumbens has been in use in India for wound healing and as an anticoagulant, antifungal, and insect repellent. The juice extracted from the leaves is directly applied on wounds. Its leaf extracts were used for infectious skin diseases in folk medicines.

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For These Plants - Contacts +91-9413290070
Use in traditional medicine. Traditionally, Tridax
 procumbens has been in use in India for wound
 healing and as an anticoagulant, antifungal, and
insect repellent. The juice extracted from the
leaves is directly applied on wounds. Its leaf
 extracts were used for infectious skin diseases
 in folk medicines

For These Plants - Contacts +91-9413290070
Tridax procumbens is a species of flowering
 plant in the daisy family. It is best known as 
a widespread weed and pest plant. It is native
 to the tropical Americas but it has been intr
oduced to tropical, subtropical, and mild tem
perate regions worldwide


Moringa oleifera is the most widely cultivated species
 of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the 
family Moringaceae. English common names include:
 moringa, drumstick tree, horseradish tree, ben oil 
tree, or benzoil tree.
  • For Moringa Seeds 
  • Moringa Plants
  • Moringa leafs
  • Moringa power


Moringa oleifera, also known as horseradish tree, bentree, or drumstick tree, is a all tree from India, Pakistan, and Nepal that has been used for generations in Eastern countries to treat and prevent diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, anemia, arthritis, liver disease, and respiratory, skin, and digestive 

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Moringa nutrition facts

Moringa oleifera, known popularly as drumstick tree, is a tropical plant grown for its nutritious leafy greens, flower buds, and mineral-rich green fruit pods. It is a well-recognized member of the Moringaceaefamily of trees and thought to be originated in the sub-Himalayan forests of the Indian subcontinent. It possesses horseradish-like root and, hence, known to the western world as horseradish tree. Their young, tender seed pods are popular as murnga in Tamil, and malunggay in the Philippines.
Scientific name: Moringa oleifera.
Moringa oleifera plant. Note for foliage, flowers, and pods.
Moringa oliefera. Note for foliage, flowers, and pods. Photo courtesy: treeftf.
Moringa is a drought tolerant, medium-sized, evergreen tree that prefers warm, frost-free climates to flourish. Its tender leaves and twigs can be harvested at any time from a well-established, 1.5 to 2 meters tall plant. Taller plants bear cream-white, small size flowers in clusters throughout the season, which subsequently develop into long slender dark-green, three-sided, edible seedpods with tapering ends. Each pod measures about 6-18 inches in length with constrictions at the seed nodes giving them a typical drumstick appearance. Inside, each pod features fleshy pulp and round pea-sized seed encased inside a wing-shaped coat (hull).

Health benefits of moringa

  • Food scientists believe that moringa plant possesses unique nutritional qualities that hold promise to millions of impoverished communities around the world who in need of dietary supplements like protein, minerals, and vitamins.
  • Moringa greens (leaves) are an excellent source of protein which is a unique feature for any herbs and leafy greens in the entire plant kingdom. 100 g of fresh raw leaves carry 9.8 g of protein or about 17.5% of daily required levels. Dry, powdered leaves indeed are an excellent sources source of several quality amino acids.
  • Fresh pods and seeds are an excellent source of oleic acid, a health-benefiting monounsaturated fat. Moringa, as a high-quality oilseed crop, can be grown alternatively to improve nutrition levels of populations in many drought-prone regions of Africa and Asia.
  • Fresh leaves and growing tips of moringa are the richest sources of vitamin A. 100 g of fresh leaves carry 7564 IU or 252% of daily required levels of vitamin-A! Vitamin-A is one of the fat-soluble anti-oxidant offering several benefits, including mucosal repair, maintenance of skin integrity, vision, and immunity.
  • Fresh moringa (drumstick) pods and leaves are an excellent sources of vitamin-C. 100 g of pods contain 145 µg or 235% of daily required levels of vitamin-C. 100 g of greens provide 51.7 µg or 86% of daily-recommended intake values of this vitamin. Research studies have shown that consumption of fruits/vegetables rich in vitamin C helps the body develop immunity to combat infectious agents, and scavenge harmful oxygen-free radicals from the body.
  • The greens, as well as pods, also contain good amounts of many vital B-complex vitamins such as folates, vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), thiamin (vitamin B-1), riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and niacin. Much of these vitamin functions as co-enzymes in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism.
  • Furthermore, its greens (leaves) are one of the finest sources of minerals like calcium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, and magnesium. Iron alleviates anemia. Calcium is essential for bone mineralization. Zinc plays a vital role in hair growth, spermatogenesis, and skin health.
  • Selection and storage

    moringa-pods in a market
    Moringa pods in a market.
    Fresh moringa pods and greens can be readily available in the markets all around the season in the tropical and sub-tropical countries of South-East Asia, Philippines, Middle-Eastern, Africa, Caribbean, and in some Central American region. In the USA, the tree grows easily in the Southern States; however, only a few owners grow them in their backyard. Its consumption in the USA is mainly driven by several thousand expatriated communities of Asian and African background who prefer M. oleifera in their diet.
    Fresh leaves, pods, seed kernels can be found at the farmers' markets. Dry moringa leaf powder in bins, packs can be available in some specialized stores. At their nativity, moringa leaves are one of the inexpensive greens available in the markets. However, fresh pods and seeds command good price even in the native Asian and African markets.
    While buying fresh pods; look for just tender, uniform, evenly full, green color pods. Avoid dry, shriveled, bent, twisted, or broken pods. Do not by overmature large size pods as they feature tougher skin, bitter pulp, and hard seeds and thus unappetizing.
    At home, moringa leaf should be maintained like any other greens. Pods can keep well for 1-2 days at room temperature, however, should be stored in the refrigerator for extended shelf life.
    Dried moringa leaf powder and capsules also sold in the stores for their advocated health benefits across Europe and North Americas.

    Preparation and serving methods

    Fresh greens and tender seed pods used extensively in the cooking in Asia, Africa, and Caribbean cuisine. Only tender growing tips and young leaves employed as greens in the cooking. However, mature leaves, dried, powdered and can be stored for extended periods to be used in the recipes (akin to dried fenugreek leaves-kasoori methi, in India and Pakistan).
    Clean and wash the greens in cold water as you do in case of other greens. To prepare fresh pods; clean them in cold water, mop dry using an absorbent paper towel. Trim the ends. Cut the pod at one to two inches intervals and to do in soups, curries, etc. Clean the leaves as you do with other greens like fenugreek, purslane, spinach. Sift the leaves from the twig and discard the stem. Chop the leaves if you wish to do so, or else, entire leaves can be added to the recipes.
  • Drumstic also known as arango, árbol de las perlas, behen, ben ailé, ben nut tree, ben oléifère, benzolive, canéficier de l’inde, chinto borrego, clarifier tree, drumstick tree, horseradish tree, indian horseradish, jacinto, kelor tree, malunggay, marango. 

Aloe Vera Plants, Aloe Vera Leaf and aloe Vera Gel

We supply the aloe vera baby
 plants at the lowest price 1.5/ per
The variety of aloe vera is Barbedensis miller Hybrid,the size of plant is available

6inch, 8inch, 10inch and 12-15 inch

Aloe vera is a plant species of the genus Aloe. It grows wild in tropical climates around the world and is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses. Aloe is also used for decorative purposes and grows successfully indoors as a potted plant

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Potential to fight breast cancer

A  published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine looked at the therapeutic properties of aloe emodin, a compound in the plant’s leaves. The authors suggest that the succulent shows potential in slowing the growth of breast cancer. However, more studies are needed to further advance this theory.
Contact for Aloe vera plants

6 Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera for Hair, Skin and Weight-Loss

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6 Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera for Hair, Skin and Weight-Loss

  • Aloe Vera is a miracle plant known for several health benefits
  • It has antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  • Aloe Vera can be used in the winter as well as summer months.
Aloe Vera is extensively used in beauty products and for good reason. It's got antiviral and antibacterial properties, and the ability to help treat everything from constipation to diabetes. The green-cactus looking plant that sits out in your garden isn't just a plant with its roots in folklore, it's the crux of a million dollar industry that extends from beauty creams to healthy juices and diet supplements. Over time, aloe vera has seamlessly integrated itself into everything we use. But what makes this miracle plant so distinguishable?

The aloe vera plant is about one or two feet tall with prickly and bitter leaves, which act as a defence to keep animals and insects from feeding on the plant. The leaves hold a gooey translucent gel, also extremely bitter, and known all over the world for it's unbelievable healing properties. This translucent gel is made up of around 96% water, some organic and inorganic compounds, a type of protein which contains 18 of the 20 amino acids found in the body and lastly,  A, B, C and E. Another part of the aloe vera plant which is used is the 'sap', a yellow-coloured liquid stuck to the of the plant from the inside. When dried and purified, the powdered aloe is often used as a laxative, though it's effectiveness is questionable.
One of the most crucial elements found in aloe vera gel is a complex carbohydrate known as acemannan. It allows nutrients to reach the cells, nourish them and at the same time relieve them of toxins. , Chinese  and British herbal medicine have all advocated aloe vera as a healer, when applied or consumed orally. Let's go over some of its most prominent benefits.

Aloe Vera for Beauty

Bill C. Coats writes, "Since the skin needs nutrition of its own, Aloe Vera, when formulated into a properly designed personal care regimen, can treat, exfoliate, restore, reveal and provide constant, impressive nutrition to the human skin." And we're about to show just how you can do that. Once you move past the slimey texture of natural aloe vera gel and apply it to your skin, you'll notice how soothing and cooling it is. And it's for these exact reasons that Ayurveda refers to aloe vera as the miracle herb that can be used to treat wounds, minor cuts, dry skin and severe burns.
Aloe Vera for BeautyAloe Vera has multiple health benefits for skin, hair and weight-loss.
 Delhi-based dermatologist says, "Aloe Vera is rich in Vitamin C,, E and beta carotene which gives it its nourishing and qualities. It can moisturise the skin without making it greasy, which makes it a great buy for those with oily skin." She also suggests drinking aloe vera juice early in the morning on an empty stomach because it improves digestion and cures any kind of stomach trouble. And you know that if you've got a healthy inside, it'll give you a glowing outside which in this case is radiant skin.
Aloe vera or aloe vera-based products can be used in the winter as well as in the summer and by people of all skin types. Aloe vera treats the cells on the epithelial level of the skin which is why it's recommended by dermatologists to remove tan, treat sunburn and stretch marks. One way to use aloe vera is to apply the gel directly, another would be to make a pack using aloe vera along with some other special ingredients from your kitchen.

1. Aloe Vera for Dry Skin - Take some aloe vera, a pinch of turmeric, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of milk and a few drops of rose water. Blend this mix till you get a paste. Apply it and leave in for about 20 minutes or so.

2. Aloe Vera Scrub - Grab half a cup of fresh aloe vera gel, a cup of sugar and two tablespoons of lemon juice. The sugar will help exfoliate and scrub off dead skin, the aloe vera will deep clean the skin and the lemon will help fade out scars and tan. Stir the three ingredients together and use it to scrub both face and body.

3. Aloe Vera for Acne - Take some aloe vera gel, blended walnuts with a flour like consistency and honey. Aloe vera's healing properties coupled with the anti-oxidantsfrom honey will leave you with smooth and clear skin.

4. Aloe vera for Sensitive Skin - Grab some aloe vera gel, cucumber juice, yoghurt and rose oil and blend them to a paste. Apply and leave for around 20 minutes, then rinse it off.

(Also see: 10 Dos and Don'ts for Naturally Beautiful Skin)

Aloe Vera for Weight-Loss

It's not just the beauty industry that's obsessing over the benefits of aloe vera, the health industry can't stop raving about it either. According to Britt Brandon, the author of The Everything Guide to Aloe Vera for Health, "Aloe vera can improve the effectiveness of your diet and maximise your weight-loss potential. With ample amounts of vitamins and minerals that contribute to weight-loss, as well as amino acids, enzymes and sterols, aloe vera ensures your diet is not only supportive of weight-loss, but also improves the body's absorption and utilisation, improving overall health as well as weight-loss success."

Aloe Vera for Weight LossThere are countless studies that prove how effective aloe vera is for weight-loss

Aloe vera is used in a wide range of health products, like diet supplements, juices etc. It's rich in anti-oxidants which means it helps cut out free radicals in the body and boost your immunity. It's also a good source of protein so it helps muscle development and gives you copious amounts of energy. There are countless studies that prove how effective aloe vera is for weight-loss, but it should be consumed regularly and over a long period of time for it to really work.
How to drink aloe vera juice: The natural taste of aloe vera is so bitter that you wouldn't think of consuming it as is. Take the gel, dice it into small pieces and blend. Now mix a bit of this with some other fruit or vegetable juice that's preferably sweet. You can also use the leaves of aloe vera, blend them, strain and drink. If you find it too bitter then mix it up with honey and drink. You can also add some lemon to this mix.

Aloe Vera for Hairfall

Aloe vera contains something called proteolytic enzymes which repairs dead skin cells on the scalp. It also acts as a great conditioner and leaves your hair all smooth and shiny. It promotes hair growth, prevents itching on the scalp, reduces dandruff and conditions your hair. Diane Gage, author of  Aloe Vera: Nature's Soothing Healer says, "Keratin, the primary protein of hair, consists of amino acids, oxygen, carbon, and small amounts of hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur. Aloe vera has a chemical make up similar to that of keratin and it rejuvenates the hair with its own nutrients, giving it more elasticity and preventing breakage."

The perfect pack: Here's a delicious hair mask that you should apply once a week or every fortnight.
Aloe Vera for Hairfall
The Perfect hair mask using Aloe Vera.

Mix equal quantities of aloe vera juice and extra virgin coconut oil. Apply and leave it in for as long as possible for strong, smooth and bouncy hair.